DUPONT 4109803

DUPONT 4109803


DUPONT 4109803


Molykote 111 Multipurpose Lubricant - General Purpose, Silicone Composition, 3 NLGI Grade, 400 g, Cartridge, Gray Color


Wide service temperature range (-40°C/-40°F to 200°C/392°F)

Excellent water resistance

Compatible with many plastics and elastomers

Low vapor pressure

Low volatility

Meets several global standards for water contact

Applications: Lubrication for control and pressure plug valves, water softener and faucet valves, sealant for vacuum and pressure systems, sealant for outdoor equipment (also shipboard) subject to washing and harsh environmental exposure (meters, electrical service entrance and underground connections), damping medium for dash pots in electrical and electronic equipment, as an anti-stick and a sealant for transformer gasket and equipment enclosures, prevents gaskets from sticking to metal and resists weathering and water washout, rubber and plastic O-rings, gaskets and seals

Applications: Lubrication for control and pressure plug valves, water softener and faucet valves, sealant for vacuum and pressure systems, sealant for outdoor equipment (also shipboard) subject to washing and harsh environmental exposure (meters, electrical service entrance and underground connections), damping medium for dash pots in electrical and electronic equipment, as an anti-stick and a sealant for transformer gasket and equipment enclosures, prevents gaskets from sticking to metal and resists weathering and water washout, rubber and plastic O-rings, gaskets and seals


-40 To +392 °F container size
400 g regulations



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